Whether you’re a small, medium or large sized business, you’ll have a number of operating costs to account for throughout the financial year. Most of these will be fixed costs, whilst others you’ll be able to alter to an extent. There are many different steps that businesses can take to reduce their expenditure, however some of these will have a knock-on effect on areas such as output and customer service. One of the best ways to cut costs is by becoming more energy efficient.
There are a number of different steps you can take to reduce your commercial energy bills, however, one of the smartest ways is to compare business electricity prices with Utility Saving Expert. Using their free online comparison tool, it’s quick and easy to compare quotes from leading suppliers within minutes. In this guide we’ll be exploring a variety of ways your business can reduce its energy usage and potentially save thousands of pounds each year.
Conduct a business electricity audit
Carrying out an energy audit is a really helpful way to understand how your company makes use of gas and electricity. These audits will give you an insight into how much energy each area of the business is utilising. The purpose of this is to pinpoint what measures must be taken to improve energy efficiency on your premises. Carrying this out annually will help you review your progress and make any changes that are necessary.
Purchase energy efficient equipment
When you’re ordering new electrical equipment through your office supplier, look for equipment with a higher energy star rating, this will indicate how efficient it is.
Power down your equipment and lights
All employees should be powering down any equipment and ensuring the lights are turned off before leaving the workplace. Unless of course, having these running is fundamental to your business operation. Primarily, anything that is not in use should be turned off. You could ask your employees to power down computers once their shift has ended, this also applies to monitors and printers too. Don’t forget kitchen equipment such as coffee machines and microwaves.
Although a very simple step, remember that devices that haven’t been turned off still consume electricity. Some office equipment will come with built in standby features that can drastically reduce power usage. The larger your business is, the more effective this strategy will be because of the combined total amount of electricity you can save.
A regular AC service is a way to help ensure you don’t have to deal with the not-so-great weather we have been having! AC systems can be very expensive to repair and it is best to keep them running smoothly and efficiently. Fujitsu Air conditioning offer a wide variety of service for your AC needs, including repair, maintenance, and servicing. Whether you need a repair, maintenance, or servicing, a Fujitsu Air con service is a good way to ensure your AC is running how it should be. When the weather heats up, you need to make sure you have working air conditioning to keep your house’s temperature in check. But, if the system breaks down, you can’t just do nothing. Finding the right expert to help you out is the key.
Take advantage of natural sunlight
Before you turn the lights on, see how much natural light is available by opening blinds and curtains. Natural daylight can have a tremendous impact on the office environment. Aside from helping you lower your electricity bills; your workers will appreciate the positive effects on their overall health and wellbeing. While you’re at it, why not try to locate areas in the office that have too many artificial lights and see if you can lower this amount.
Install energy efficient lighting
Installing compact fluorescent light (CFL) and light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs can reduce your business’ electricity usage immediately. Through the audit carried out earlier, try to find as many old and inefficient lights in your office and replace them with modern energy efficient alternatives. Lights in an office environment are normally switched on for a minimum of 9 hours per day. This means that over a 12-month period, your business could save an enormous amount on commercial electricity by making the switch to an energy efficient solution. These modern lights are also rated to be long lasting, meaning they won’t need to be replaced as often.
Automation through sensors
Using motion detecting sensors and dimmers can help you also save money on business electricity. Essentially, these motion detectors will be able to sense when no one is present in a room or hallway and automatically dim the lights or turn them off completely. To use this smart technology in the most effective way, consider installing them in places that are not in constant use such as boardrooms and meeting spaces. Some sensors can measure the amount of light in a room and automatically adjust the brightness level too. Sensors aren’t just for light though; you can also install a smart thermostat that monitors and adjusts the room temperature.
Make the jump to renewable energy
Many business energy suppliers offer renewable energy tariffs that are competitive with traditional plans. Renewable energy, sometimes referred to as ‘green energy’ is energy that is sourced through solar, wind, hydro and tidal to name just a few. Making the switch can help your business reduce its overall carbon footprint and help in the ongoing fight against climate change.
Hopefully you’re able to reduce your business electricity costs by following some or all of these tips. Each and every one of these strategies can help you become more energy efficient, save money and take the necessary steps towards a more sustainable future.